Hello! As for my first blog post I decided to delve
into mind for as how it works...
How I come to
approach learning has always been at the back of my mind,
and as ive started to really dial in these past few months
after having a few epiphanies on how my psyche handles
situations; I've come to realize many things.
I-I... I realized subconsciously that not only my studying
process was messed up... My brain itself was not thinking
properly. I wont get into to much details as it is quite
embarrassing, but to keep it short lets just say my
bandwidth is no longer bottlenecked.
Getting back
on track I wanted to discuss the studying aspect of things, and
seeing how I just created a website from scratch (HTML &
CSS) I'll use that as an example.
To start things off, how I learn stuff is
very hectic; it has improved, as i said earlier, but during
writing this blog post I wanted to refine it by laying out
foundation, uplifting the process completely.
Setting up this workflow I want to take a look at this diagram as it
explains a lot about how this whole process works as I list down the three (E)s.
The diagram starts at "Explore", at this phase I take the
liberty to use all forms of studying I can get a topic on.
Taking this stance on studying at first allows me to "EXPLORE" all
forms of the topic without fear of leaving anything out.
During the "Explore" phase I will mainly use Youtube and
a search engine to really ask the hard hitting questions to
set me on the right track. This will usually lead me to Youtube,
the usual video sharing service of my choice due to the large
volume of content on the site.
For the example I'll be
using this youtube playlist by LearnCode.academy.
This was my starting point for learning how to code in HTML,
CSS, and buying/hosting my domain. Starting from here
I watched the series of tutorials, and used this as the base for my learning.
As I watched, I started to implement my knowledge into
the next phase which is "Expand", where I basically start to
practice what I've learned.
While I'm on the "Expand" phase
I go back and forth between the "Explore" phase also,
using the knowledge I obtain from studying, and applying to my project,
this way I'm able to stay engaged with what I'm working with.
Now before I move on to the next phase Its time to introduce
bookmarks, and notes. These are critical tools for keeping this
workflow in place, and are used very frequently. I use bookmarks for
safe keeping of people/knowledge I obtain, but dont necessarily keep them
forever, as if I confidently learned everything I needed from such website
I can discard it.
This practice is also something I partially treat notes with;
the thing is that this idea is only applied to short term goals I want to achieve.
I mainly use physical notes as they are something more tangible
causing them to be more in my center of attention.
Other then that the other main focus with notes is plotting out knowledge/workflows,
like in this blog post.
Moving on, last, but not least is "Enhance"
this phase is the clean up phase. This part uses notes and bookmarks to
full potential, by using more structured resources you might find,
and use them as a bounce back to the next level of study.
For example I was using the LearnCode.academy
Youtube playlist as my starting point but I "ENHANCE"
by using this book by Jon Duckett recommended to me by MMaker
(thx MMaker).
After that you repeat the cycle going back to
"Explore" phase. Although this may be
cycle the phases can be used interchangeably through out the whole
process, using drawing as an example; you may find yourself going back
and forth between "Explore" & "Expand"
as your still making progress this way, through means of drawing
anything in general as repetition, instead of a strict course to follow by through means of the phase of "Enhance".
And thats all I have to share, if you read this all I thank you.
I hope you enjoy my website! I put much love & care into making this so
far, and have high hopes for anybody viewing it.